West Coast demersal scalefish closed seasons
To allow the West Coast Demersal Scalefish Resource to recover, effort closures for demersal scalefish are in place for recreational fishers* in the West Coast Bioregion.
- 1 February to 28 March 2024 (inclusive);
- 1 August to 15 September 2024 (inclusive); and
- 15 October to 15 December 2024 (inclusive).
*Limited open seasons do not apply to shore-based recreational line fishers, charter fishers or commercial fishers.
The take or landing of demersal finfish is prohibited within the West Coast Bioregion these periods. If you catch a demersal scalefish from a boat in this area during the closed seasons you must return it the water as soon as possible. A comprehensive list of demersal species affected by the closure is available here.
Unlike the Cockburn Sound pink snapper closure and the Abrolhos Island baldchin groper closure, which are designed to protect aggregations of spawning fish, the demersal scalefish closure is one of several management measures to reduce the recreational catch below the recovery benchmark.
The closure is aimed at protecting all demersal species caught in the West Coast Bioregion – whether they are caught frequently or only occasionally. It is an important measure in assisting with their recovery.
There are many other sustainable fishing options to try out during the closed seasons, such as fishing for squid and whiting – see Recfishwest’s website for more details.
Find out more about the recovery plan on the West Coast Demersal Scalefish Resource homepage.
Pink snapper
Cockburn and Warnbro Sounds: Closed season 1 August – 31 January (inclusive).
Cockburn Sound is the site of the largest known aggregations of pink snapper in the West Coast Bioregion and is critical for sustaining adequate breeding stocks of these long-lived and slow-growing fish.
It is illegal to fish for pink snapper, or be in possession of pink snapper while line fishing, in the closed waters during the closed season. Line fishing for other species from a boat is allowed as long as there is no pink snapper on board. However, pink snapper taken outside the closed area may be transported through the closure area as long as no line fishing is undertaken.
Baldchin groper
Abrolhos Islands: Closed season 1 October – 31 December (inclusive).
Taking, landing or possessing baldchin groper is prohibited within the Abrolhos Islands Fish Habitat Protection Area during the closed season. Baldchin groper is a species unique to WA. These fish aggregate in shallow waters in the Abrolhos area to spawn as the water temperature rises.
Blue swimmer crabs
Perth and South West: Closed season 1 September – 30 November (inclusive).
All waters including rivers, estuaries and man-made waterways from the Swan River to Rich Road Minninup Beach (15km south of Bunbury) are closed to crab fishing 1 September to 30 November.
The closure protects crab breeding stocks, and allows female crabs to spawn before the fishery reopens.
Cockburn Sound: Closed to crab fishing – see Cockburn Sound map below.
The Cockburn Sound crab fishery is closed to protect the blue swimmer crab breeding stock.
This closure is an important measure required for the recovery of the crab stock after research showed a significant decline in the number of crabs in Cockburn Sound due to environmental and biological factors.