You can play a key part in WA fisheries science by donating your fish skeletons to help with our long-term monitoring program of fish stocks and ensure the recovery of our key fish species, like WA dhufish.
The skeleton contains key biological information, such as length, age and sex, that we can use to make science-based decisions to sustainably manage our fisheries.
More information on how finfish stocks are assessed is available on this website.
Donate your frames and you could be in the running to win some great prizes!
How to donate:
Please donate the whole filleted skeleton (frame with the head and guts intact) if you can.
For large fish like WA dhufish you can donate just the head.
Frames can be fresh or frozen.
Label frames with:
your name, phone number and email address (so we can send you research feedback and put your name in prize draws);
the date of your capture; and
the location of your capture (for boat catches, the latitude/longitude or distance and bearing from port and the name of the port, for example 3 n miles west of Hillarys; for shore catches, the general location).
Information you provide about the location of your catch is confidential.
You can drop off your fish frames at our offices and participating stores. For any queries or to enquire about DPIRD staff picking up frames from your house, email
We need frames for the following species from the areas in the map below.

Illustrations © R. Swainston/